My Favorite Piece of Technology

Hello! Today I will talk about my favorite piece of technology which is the cell phone. The first time I had a cell phone was 10 years old and it was one of those "clam" type. With that cell phone he could only call, take photos and play snake. Later, as technology advanced, the cell phone was essential for me. Now I have a more technological cell phone and I love it because I can use social networks, talk by video call with my friends, play games, listen to music and take many photos. I do most with my cell phone is use Instagram, watch videos on YouTube and talk with my friends. I usually use my cell phone a lot (every day) and I feel empty when I'm not with it. I have tried to use it less because it´s negative to be dependent on technology and it distracts you from doing other very important things like studying 😔. Now every time I study I turn off my cell phone and keep it out of my sight hahaha. Thank you for reading! 😊